In the 1860’s, Sisley met Pissarro, Monet, Bazille, and Renoir, with whom he brought forth the practice of painting directly from nature. Exhibiting with the Impressionists, as they were formally named at the time of their independent exhibition in Paris in 1874, Sisley enjoyed short-lived but considerable success during the 1870’s. While residing in Sèvres with his wife and children, Sisley painted this view of a curved pathway lined with chestnut trees in full bloom. The pathway follows a bend in the Seine, lending the viewer access across the pictorial space.
不同於莫內、雷諾瓦、塞尚和藝術圈裡的其他畫家,畢沙羅畫的靜物很少,大部分是在他職業生涯的後期。因此,這幅1872年的作品因其主題、清晰表達的形式和對光線的微妙操縱而與眾不同。同年出現另一幅可與之媲美的畫作《圓籃中的蘋果和 梨》(私人收藏),其尺寸和設計與這幅畫作相同,背景為相同的花卉圖案壁紙。
Unlike other artists in his circle, Pissarro painted few still lifes, most late in his career. This work of 1872 is, therefore, exceptional for its subject, as well as for its clearly expressed forms and subtle manipulation of light. There is only one other comparable painting by the artist, “Apples and Pears in a Round Basket” of the same year (private collection), which is identical in size and setting to the present canvas, featuring the same floral-patterned wallpaper in the background.
Renoir felt that he had greater freedom to experiment in still lifes than in figure paintings. "When I paint flowers, I feel free to try out tones and values and worry less about destroying the canvas," he told the writer Georges Rivière. "I would not do this with a figure painting since there I would care about destroying the work."
Cézanne rarely painted flowering plants or fresh-cut bouquets, which were susceptible to wilting under his protracted gaze. He included potted plants only in three still lifes, two views of the conservatory at Jas de Bouffan, his family's estate, and about a dozen exquisite watercolors made over the course of two decades (from about 1878 to 1906). Cézanne seems to have reserved this particular table, with its scalloped apron and distinctive bowed legs, for three of his finest still lifes of the 1890s.
This view of Pontoise, just northwest of Paris, helped establish Pissarro’s reputation as an innovative painter of the rural French landscape. The critic Émile Zola praised the picture enthusiastically when it was shown along with another rustic scene at the Salon of 1868, writing, "This is the modern countryside. One feels that man has passed by, turning and cutting the earth. . . . And this little valley, this hill have a heroic simplicity and forthrightness. Nothing would be more banal were it not so grand. From ordinary reality the painter's temperament has drawn a rare poem of life and strength."
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