穿著華麗,充滿珠光寶氣的氣勢吸引了眾人的目光,女皇駕臨,凌駕一切,世人膜拜瞻仰,整個宇宙為她而開啟,從而掌握了生命。Reydel ESPINOSA 2020年的作品「The Queen女皇」在21世紀的當代社會,將我們的想像拋在現實之外,重探天地伊始。
2022年所創作的「Salsa Dancers騷莎舞者」反映了在疫情期間對於過往愉悅生活的想望,這裡可以看到藝術家將自己成長經驗裡的色彩、造型、音樂融合在一個看似合理卻又充滿詭異的情境,在狂歡之際,又必須面對隨時可能加諸的意外。這當然也是在此空間極度被隔絕的期間,他透過回憶童年所繪製創作的代表作,更反應出時代的變異。
Dressed in a glamorous, bejeweled style that captures everyone’s attention, the Queen arrives, towering over all. The world worships and admires her, and the entire universe lays open for her, giving her control over life. Espinosa's 2020 artwork, The Queen, takes audiences from 21st century contemporary society, and thrusts our imaginations outside of the realm of reality to revisit the beginning of the heavens and the earth.
Unlike the male-dominated world, this is the world of heaven and earth, where all the holy spirits are equal, there are no moral shackles, and even the strange and bizarre are taken for granted. Everything is alive, no distinction is made between man and beast, all beings are different but at ease. The universe creates its own order, full of fluctuation and balance. We are always filled with the suspicion of extreme unfamiliarity—from the place where the artist comes from to the non-existent world he creates, what exactly does he want to express? In the world of art, Espinosa’s paintings impact our overly rational and necessary skepticism.
這是Reydel ESPINOSA詮釋超現實物種的作品之一。一隻猴子拿著鏡子激怒一隻對著鏡中自己投影生氣的公雞,而大象則抱著公雞不讓牠受傷。這一切都發生得反覆無常,是自由思想的一部分。
This is one of Reydel ESPINOSA's interpretations of surreal species. A monkey takes out a mirror to annoy a rooster who is angry at his own reflection in the mirror, while an elephant holds the rooster to keep him from getting hurt. It all happens capriciously and forms a part of liberal minds.
物種生生不息的變形卻也和平共處,他們貢獻天賦與專長,代表著生命力與喜悅。猴子深思的神情專注聆聽著樂章,思索物種變化的永恆循環。半人鳥的角色為參考東草地鷚古巴鄉下常見的一種鳥,是Reydel ESPINOSA兒時記憶裡的一部分。鳥彈奏像豎琴、吉他、打鼓以表達牠的喜悅和正面能量。看起來不起眼的公雞,牠唱出的聲音卻是一股能傳達到另一個次元的能量。這些能量被看似人類型態的種族接收到為和諧的訊息。而專注聆聽的猿猴是最接近人類的族類。但是牠是比較完美、沒有破壞環境意圖的物種。牠能以極高的智慧欣賞和諧的樂曲。
Species are eternally in constant metamorphosis and co-exist in harmony, offering their talents as gifts. It represents life and happiness. The ape in the first row listens to melodies, with concentration and a melancholic look, contemplating the perpetual transformation circle of species. The half-human bird figure playing music instruments is inspired by the bird species called Eastern Meadowlark (Sabanero in Spanish). This bird is often seen in the Cuban countryside. It forms part of Reydel ESPINOSA’s childhood memory. It plays at the same time the harp-like and guitar-like instrument, and the drum to express its positivity and happiness. The tiny rooster behind it is singing a song and its voice creates energy reaching far to other human-like creatures in another dimension, where it is received as a message of harmony. The ape represents the closest form of life to human beings, but a perfect version without any intention to destroy the planet and appreciates the harmonic music with intelligence.
This artwork hints at the reproductive capacity for producing offspring. However, it goes further to reflect signs of cooperation among various species, providing food and love for each other's young. This symbolizes the most primitive essence of all living things, which is to flourish, give life, and coexist harmoniously.
卵生動物隨時在不可預知的情況下都可能下蛋,這變化莫測的超現實生物既來自Reydel ESPINOSA的想像及夢境。牠擁有賦予其他生命之使命,被孵化出來的動物會穿透煙霧進入另一次元,繼續一段神秘的循環狀通道。此通道在終點時有文字顯像於團火中“不易被覺察的想法;一個次元;一個世界”。而這個如此微妙、不易被覺察的想法在畫中賦予了許多華麗的生命、如同一個動態的電影場景般。這是一個思想的次元,同時Reydel ESPINOSA的思想形成了一個想像的宇宙。
The central oviparous creature is unpredictable because it is an animal that nurses and lays eggs at any uncertain moment. It is a capricious creature that lives in Reydel ESPINOSA’s dreams and forms part of his imaginative mind. It has a mission to give life to other oviparous creatures. After being hatched, they enter into another dimension through the smoke to continue a mysterious path. The path continues to a circular cycle that finishes in fire where words appear - “A subtle thought; a dimension; a universe”. This subtle and lightweight thought is given colorful forms and life in a film-like imagery. It is in a dimension of thought. And Reydel ESPINOSA’s thoughts form an imaginative universe.
主角是一隻神奇的生物,長著火雞的頭和兩個角。牠給一顆蛋施了魔法後,蝴蝶就飛了出來。這是Reydel ESPINOSA想像的非理性宇宙中的典型場景。
The main character is a magical creature with the head of a turkey and two horns. After it enchanted an egg, a butterfly flies out. This is a typical scene in the irrational universe imagined by Reydel ESPINOSA.
Selected for exhibition at the Autumn Salon in Paris, France, le salon d’automne in 2022/has been collected by collectors in Dubai. This is a highly symbolic piece of artwork. It depicts a creature resembling some kind of antelope as the protagonist, giving life. In the painting, a heron bringing another creature from the ocean for nurturing represents the marvel of nature and how it thrives. Simultaneously, various forms of life are emerging from the part resembling an elephant trunk on the protagonist's head. Life comes and goes like clouds and mist, just as life's brevity and impermanence in the universe. Roses growing from forms resembling branches are also giving life to entities resembling smoke or stars. The protagonist holds an ancient Egyptian symbol of life, the Ankh, because the theme of this painting is about flourishing life.