The artist SU Hsien-Fa conveys the essence of the lotus flower in his paintings and expresses his feelings about the change of seasons through depicting landscapes. Lotus flowers represent summer and showcase various appearances based on the artist's life experiences. From the earlier more representational "observing lotus" paintings that express emotions through lotus flowers, to the closer to abstract "playing with lotus" style, Su Xianfa presents a poetic and cultural significance in an Eastern way.
Blue set the tone of the painting, while the white lotus blossoms embodied water and mists. The complimentary inky-blue lotus leaves give the whole scene a sense of purity; this painting captures the essence of the lotus in the human imagination.
The artist used darker tones to bring out the contrast between the cherry blossoms and the reds in the background. The cherry blossoms feel even more colorful and vibrant as a result.
The color green was chosen by the artist to represent the summer when the lotus flowers in full boom. Thanks to the inky green hues of the leaves, you can almost smell the fragrance of the white lotus flowers floating on the emerald water's surface.
For sunset at Gaomei Wetland, the artist used the blacks of Chinese calligraphy to create a contrast with golden waters. The lone water bird on the sandbar is a reflection of inner thought.
This painting in front of an old, shady house warms the heart with the vivid red of autumn leaves. The end of the year might be approaching, but it is also the season for harvests.
This is a section from the artist's "Summer Lotus Triptych", depicting fully bloomed lotus blossoms alongside partially opened buds. Set against a backdrop of abstractly distributed sky and ink green lotus leaves, it showcases the artist's playful and unrestrained approach to depicting lotus flowers in their "playing with lotus" style.