穿著華麗,充滿珠光寶氣的氣勢吸引了眾人的目光,女皇駕臨,凌駕一切,世人膜拜瞻仰,整個宇宙為她而開啟,從而掌握了生命。Reydel ESPINOSA 2020年的作品「The Queen女皇」在21世紀的當代社會,將我們的想像拋在現實之外,重探天地伊始。
2022年所創作的「Salsa Dancers騷莎舞者」反映了在疫情期間對於過往愉悅生活的想望,這裡可以看到Reydel ESPINOSA將自己成長經驗裡的色彩、造型、音樂融合在一個看似合理卻又充滿詭異的情境,在狂歡之際,又必須面對隨時可能加諸的意外。這當然也是在此空間極度被隔絕的期間,他透過回憶童年所繪製創作的代表作,更反應出時代的變異。
Dressed in a glamorous, bejeweled style that captures everyone’s attention, the Queen arrives, towering over all. The world worships and admires her, and the entire universe lays open for her, giving her control over life. ESPINOSA's 2020 artwork, The Queen, takes audiences from 21st century contemporary society, and thrusts our imaginations outside of the realm of reality to revisit the beginning of the heavens and the earth.
Unlike the male-dominated world, this is the world of heaven and earth, where all the holy spirits are equal, there are no moral shackles, and even the strange and bizarre are taken for granted. Everything is alive, no distinction is made between man and beast, all beings are different but at ease. The universe creates its own order, full of fluctuation and balance. We are always filled with the suspicion of extreme unfamiliarity—from the place where Reydel ESPINOSA comes from to the non-existent world he creates, what exactly does he want to express? In the world of art, ESPINOSA’s paintings impact our overly rational and necessary skepticism.
作品受到童年古巴文化啟發,主角為兩隻跳著騷莎舞的母牛。畫中呈現孩子般的天真無邪,賦予他腦海中奇幻生物最大的自由。ESPINOSA與觀者一同重溫孩童時的肆無忌憚。刻意讓畫面充滿慶典般的豐富色彩和,如同歌手Celia Cruz 所唱“La vida es un carnaval”,“生命如同一場嘉年華”。
ESPINOSA deliberately manifests unrestricted imaginations with characteristics of childishness. Therefore, a festive ambiance and vivid mood with childish humor can be felt in this painting.
這是一隻Reydel ESPINOSA豐富想像力下催生的青蛙女皇,用魔法棒對牠用放大鏡觀察到的萬物施加魔法的場景。此時此刻,青蛙女王在觀察即將被另一隻超現實的鳥類生物吞噬的魚類的DNA。雖然這只發生在想像的世界中, ESPINOSA以青蛙女王作為這個奇妙事件的主角,從而證實了這個可能性的宇宙。
This is a scene where a frog queen is born of Reydel ESPINOSA's rich imagination. Although this only happens in an imaginary world, Reydel ESPINOSA features the frog queen as the protagonist and the evidence of the existence of this possible universe.
It captures the moment when two monkeys discover a fantastic creature is pouring out and providing abundance, which is one of the typical events in this magical land.